WIRED Innovation Fellow, Architectural Futurist,
the future of wellness expert
Biological Architect,Biotechnology, Architecture, design futures, wellness Future Cities, Multi-sensory possibilities of technology, engaging science, innovation, creativity, imaginary worlds, conservation and ecology, design for good, Sustainability
An inaugural WIRED Innovation Fellow, Rachel Wingfield is the co-founder and Creative Director of Loop.ph, the spatial laboratory that investigates responsive environments inspired by the study of living systems. Wingfield speculates on near and far future scenarios that explore emerging biological and technological futures by crafting space, technology and living materials into visionary experiences and environments.
A frontierswoman for a new field where designers intervene at an urban scale and develops collaborative tools for public engagement and multidisciplinary practices. Wingfield consults on creative strategies and speculative futures for business and the public sector, and gives provocative talks around the world.
Wingfield helps companies identify the key insights that could impact their business and develop ‘brand fictions’ to probe into possible futures. Her work can be found in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), NY, the V&A Museum, London, Fosters Private Art Collection, Geneva and the Bloomberg Collection, London.
Lexus Hybrid
Audi Design Foundation
Belvedere RED
Selected Press: Wired
Future Everything - The Chronarium
Instint 2015 - Rachel Wingfield
London Festival of Architecture 2015 - The Horticultural Spa
KIKK Festival